Micro Finance & Saccos Management System

Our System help you mobilize your savings more than you had anticipated. As a result, there will be more members joining thus providing more capital for operations. The system provides a solution to poor record keeping experienced in many Micro-Finances & SACCOS. The poor record keeping has seen many Micro-Finances & SACCOS lose control of the members’ savings and some of the savings used up to pay for expenses hence resulting to members not being paid for their savings when they want to withdraw money for their urgent domestic requirements. The solution comes with the following modules that will add so much value to your Organization.

  • Membership Management
  • Loans Management
  • Savings / share contributions management
  • Dividends Management
  • Accounts / Financial Management
  • Asset Management
  • Human Resource and Payroll
  • Document Management
  • Branches Management
  • Our System Support Integration with following:
    • Any Bank API
    • Any SMS API
    • Any POS API
    • Any Recharge API

Speak to our Agent for More Details and Demo Show Up!
